Opportunities with IoT for SMEs


The Internet has been with us for several years at homes and offices connected using devices. We have been always connected with the world using internet devices but we have started seeing more benefits as a consumer recently since the emergence of the Internet of things (IoT).

Customers have started getting access to IoT in the form of controlling central heating using mobile devices or accessing their physical fitness data using smartwatches. IoT has helped us to transform our normal physical devices into smart devices since they started sending vital information or data to the computers for analyzing and helping to get better in our daily life.

2019 is believed to be the year for small to medium businesses where infrastructure will improve using smart technology and wireless network speed. This will bring new devices such as tractors and vending machines into the connected world to send us information using sensors and beams. With a growth in the technology and better infrastructure cost of the IoT is coming down gradually to make it affordable to the small business in getting better with technology transformation.

It becomes very difficult for businesses to take the decision to invest in the technology where it is still maturing in the world and benefits are not clearly communicated.  At Pondesk, all of our devices are developed with built-in IoT technology to go hand in hand with the industry.


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